Hydrating foods for summer: With the winter season leaving, summer is just around the corner. Apart from safeguarding your skin with sunscreen and having lots of cool foods, it’s extremely essential to stay hydrated during the summers. Hydration is especially a challenge during the summer season. Yes, you need to drink lots and lots of water. But, other than drinking water there are some foods that you can eat to beat the heat and stay hydrated.
So, here are some of the ways that you can eat your water! Add these food items to your diet this summer and ensure that you are hydrated all the time.

Hydrating foods for summer:

So here are ways you can stay hydrated this summer. Add these foods to your diet and keep dehydration at bay:

Watermelon: Summer is the season for watermelon and watermelon is 90% water. So, it is the best way of eating your water. Enjoy lots and lots of this red juicy fruit this summer and ensure that you are always hydrated. This is one of the best hydrating foods for summer. You can also add this delicious fruit to mocktails and make fun drinks out of it.

Cucumber: Cucumber contains a whopping 96% of water. So, undoubtedly one of the best ways of ensuring that you are hydrated is adding cucumber to your diet.

Tomatoes: Did you know that tomatoes are very hydrating too? Yes, tomatoes have a water content of 94.5%. This makes tomatoes one of the best hydrating foods for summer.

Buttermilk: Glass full of humble buttermilk is great to keep you hydrated during the summer. Not only will this drink refresh and cool your body, but this drink is also excellent when it comes to keeping you hydrated. The other benefits that buttermilk has are like cherry on top of cake. It is the best summer drink and drink lots of it to ensure that you are properly hydrated.

Spinach: Next in the list of most hydrating foods for summer is spinach. This vegetable that contains a powerhouse of nutrients has 92% water content. Eating spinach is one of the best ways pf ensuring that you stay hydrated this summer.

Muskmelon: Muskmelon is also 90% water. Also known as cantaloupe, this is the perfect summer fruit. So, another way of ensuring hydration is eating lots of muskmelon. This fruit is also great for your skin. This is one of the best hydrating foods for summer.

Bell peppers: Bell peppers have hydrating properties as well. The green ones have 94% water content while the red and yellow ones have 92% water content. Have bell peppers this summer and ensure that you stay hydrated. This is one of the best hydrating foods for summer.

Apart from the above mentioned foods, drinks loads and loads of water to stay hydrated. Also have plenty of healthy fluids. Coconut water is a great drink to have during the summer season. Beat the heat the healthy way.

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